



I've got a solid book on learning 2.0 with VB & C# - my concern is whether I should push forward with this or pick up the newest edition which covers 3.5.

Basically, I'm writing a contact-management style web app for my church, and I really want to use I'm willing to invest in the 3.5 book, if it's going to be different enough, otherwise, I can utilize the 2.0 and just learn the hard way for the 3.5 changes.

Currently I'm using VWD 2008 and am focusing on the C# language. I've been a full-time PHP programmer now for 5 years with tons of HTML, CSS & Javascript / AJAX experience building web-apps for my day job. I used C++ and VB 6.0 for about 2 years back around 2003/2004, so I'm familiar with the Microsoft style. Just haven't utilized it really since .net became the norm.

So should I grab the latest edition or use what I've got? In the end, if the 3.5 book will save me a decent amount of time and/or hassle, I'll just hold out and get that.


+2  A: 

There's no fundamental change to ASP.NET engine in version 3.5 in contrast to 2.0. There are some new server controls. The primary applicable change is the new versions of C# and VB.NET compiler and libraries (with LINQ at the forefront).

Any decent ASP.NET 3.5 book should cover most of the stuff in 2.0 and new additions. If you're an expert in 2.0, you might learn better just by experimenting things. Otherwise, spending a little on a book will considerably save your time.

Mehrdad Afshari
I agree, if you know 2.0 you should start by doing some online tutorials and documentation at MSDN.
Umair Ahmed
I don't know 2.0 really - was a book I had bought when job searching a few years back. I'll grab the 3.5 version then. Just so I'm aware, when is 4.0 due out and will that be a hurdle?
Changes are incremental. ASP.NET 4.0 is not completely different. You'll be OK with that. By the way, ASP.NET MVC is the trend nowadays. You might want to consider learning that too.
Mehrdad Afshari
@Mehrdad I will definitely look into it - thanks!