I'm trying to stick some data into the app so I can then build a public string get + linq query to pull out just the bits I want when I need them.
I'm just struggling to store it and then how I'd go about pulling it back out so I can query against it...
public void CommonDatatoApp()
CDataResponse cCommonData = this.GatewayReference.GetCommonData();
var dCountries = cCommonData.PropertyCountries; //KeyValue
var dRegions = cCommonData.Regions; //Array
var dAreas = cCommonData.Areas; //Array
var dResorts = cCommonData.Resorts; //Array
var commonRAR = (from c in dCountries
join r in dRegions on c.Key equals r.CountryCd
join a in dAreas on r.Id equals a.RegionId
select new { c.Key, c.Value, r.Id, r.Name, dAreasID = a.Id, dAreasIDName = a.Name}
HttpContext.Current.Application["commonData"] = commonRAR;