First, you'll need to split that string up. Here's a workable split function:
Create Function [dbo].[split]
(@input varChar(8000) -- List of delimited items
,@delimit varChar(8000) = ',') -- delimiter that separates items
Returns @List Table ([item] varChar(8000)) As
Declare @item VarChar(8000);
while charIndex(@delimit, @input, 0) <> 0 Begin
@item = rTrim(lTrim(subString(@input, 1, charIndex(@delimit, @input, 0) - 1))),
@input = rTrim(lTrim(subString(@input, charIndex(@delimit, @input, 0) + Len(@delimit), Len(@input))));
If Len(@item) > 0 Insert Into @List Select @item
If Len(@input) > 0 Insert Into @List Select @input
Then you'll need to join the values back to your countries table, and re-join them. This will get you most of the way:
Select ID
,[Name] as [User]
Select [country] + ', '
From [Countries]
Where [ID] In (
Select Cast([item] As Integer)
From dbo.split(U.Countries, ',')
Where IsNumeric(item) = 1)
Order By [country]
For XML Path('')) As [CountriesByName]
From [Users] As U
However, that leaves a trailing comma. You may want to remove that on some other layer, but just in case you MUST do it in SQL, this should work:
Select ID
,Left([CountriesByName], Len([CountriesByName]) - 1) As [CountriesByName]
From (
Select ID
,[Name] as [User]
Select [country] + ', '
From [Countries]
Where [ID] In (
Select Cast([item] As Integer)
From dbo.split(U.Countries, ',')
Where IsNumeric(item) = 1)
Order By [country]
For XML Path('')) As [CountriesByName]
From [Users] As U) As [Results]