Hello everyone,
I'm tasked with choosing an open source web browser to run on a fairly low-end embedded Linux system, that is ARM based. I'd really appreciate some advice. I've been doing some research and there appear to be a few choices:
- Firefox/Mozilla - too huge to run on limited resources
- Konqueror/Embedded - the development appears to have stalled, but I'm looking into it still.
- Midori - based on GTK+2, WebKit based, potential candidtate.
- Arora - similar to Midori, Qt, WebKit based, potential canditate.
- Nokia's SR360 - I don't have much information about this browser?..
- Links2/NetSurf/Dillo - while these browsers are quite sophisticated they don't quite provide the feature set we're looking for.
We would really prefer something that can handle CSS and JavaScript, but if it's not available I guess we'd have to settle for NetSurf, Dillo. I'd appreciate any feedback or comments about any of these browsers, your experience with them, or any browsers that I've missed.
Thank you.