



I can't seem to find the answer to this question.

It seems like I should be able to go from a number to a character in C# by simply doing something along the lines of (char)MyInt to duplicate the behaviour of vb's Chr() function; however, this is not the case:

In VB Script w/ an asp page, if my code says this:


It outputs this:

‹ (character code 8249)

Opposed to this:

‹ (character code 139)

I'm missing something somewhere with the encoding, but I can't find it. What encoding is Chr() using?

+6  A: 

Chr() uses the system default encoding, I believe - so it's roughly equivalent to:

byte[] bytes = new byte[] { 139 };
char c = Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes)[0];

On my box (Windows CP1252 as the default) that does indeed give Unicode 8249.

Jon Skeet
Sure enough, that did it! Thanks!
+1  A: 

If you cast an int to a char, you will get the character with the Unicode character code that was in the integer. The char data type is just a 16 bit UTF-16 character code.

To get the equivalent of the VBScript chr() function in .NET you would need something like:

string s = Encoding.Default.GetString(new byte[]{ 139 });
+1  A: 

If you want to call something that has exactly the behaviour of VB's Chr from C#, then, why not simply call it rather than trying to deduce its behaviour?

Just put a "using Microsoft.VisualBasic;" at the top of your C# program, add the VB runtime DLL to your references, and go to town.

Eric Lippert

It is funny how you ask how to do something equivalent in another language and the response is "why not just use the other language and not the one you want too" I also have the same issue and I WANT TO USE C# not VB. the whole purpose of converting is to not use the language you are converting from.....

in my case I use Convert.ToChar(8) and it returns back '\b' where VB returns a black rectangle with a white circle in it... how can i get the VB equivalent in C#?

Dale innis