I'm trying to use the Microsoft ribbon control programatically using C#. Everything is fine but I'm unable to bind the command through the RibbonCommand. Can anyone give me an example of how to do this? My actual code is:
Ribbon rbn = new Ribbon();
RibbonTab file = new RibbonTab();
file.Name = "file";
file.Label = "FILE";
RibbonTab edit = new RibbonTab();
edit.Name = "edit";
edit.Label = "Edit";
RibbonGroupPanel rbgp = new RibbonGroupPanel();
RibbonGroup rbg = new RibbonGroup();
RibbonButton rbtn = new RibbonButton();
rbtn.Content = "New";
RibbonCommand rcomnd = new RibbonCommand();
rcomnd.LabelTitle = "NEW";
rcomnd.ToolTipDescription = "THIS IS NEW";
rcomnd.LargeImageSource = imgSource;
rcomnd.Execute(rbtn, rbtn);
rbtn.IsEnabled = true;
//rcomnd.SmallImageSource = imgSource;
rcomnd.CanExecute +=new CanExecuteRoutedEventHandler(rcomnd_CanExecute);
rcomnd.Executed +=new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(rcomnd_Executed);
CommandBinding cmdb = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.New);
cmdb.Command = ApplicationCommands.New;
cmdb.Executed +=new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(cmdb_Executed);
//rcomnd.Executed += new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnAddNewEntry);*/
rbtn.Click +=new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(rbtn_Click);
rbtn.Command = rcomnd;
But the bindings are not working and the button is not enabled.