



I'm looking for a fluent way of determining if a number falls within a specified set of ranges. My current code looks something like this:

int x = 500; // Could be any number

if ( ( x > 4199 && x < 6800 ) ||
     ( x > 6999 && x < 8200 ) ||
     ( x > 9999 && x < 10100 ) ||
     ( x > 10999 && x < 11100 ) ||
     ( x > 11999 && x < 12100 ) )
    // More awesome code

Is there a better way of doing this?

+17  A: 

Extension methods?

bool Between(this int value, int left, int right)
   return value > left && value < right; 

if(x.Between(4199, 6800) || x.Between(6999, 8200) || ...)

You can also do this awful hack:

bool Between(this int value, params int[] values)
    // Should be even number of items
    Debug.Asset(values.Length % 2 == 0); 

    for(int i = 0; i < values.Length; i += 2)
        if(!x.Between(values[i], values[i + 1])
            return false;

    return true;

if(x.Between(4199, 6800, 6999, 8200, ...)

Awful hack, improved:

class Range
    int Left { get; set; }
    int Right { get; set; }

    // Constructors, etc.

bool R(int left, int right)
    return new Range(left, right)

bool Between(this int value, params Range[] ranges)
    for(int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
        if(!x.Between(values[i].Left, values[i].Right)
            return false;

    return true;

if(x.Between(R(4199, 6800), R(6999, 8200), ...))

Or, better yet (this does not allow duplicate lower bounds):

bool Between(this int value, Dictionary<int, int> ranges)
    // Basically iterate over Key-Value pairs and check if value falls within that range

if(x.Between({ { 4199, 6800 }, { 6999, 8200 }, ... }
Anton Gogolev
I would *definitely* make Range immutable. Mutability sucks for things like this...
Jon Skeet
Whoa! _Formatting_ in **comments**!@Jon Yes, you're absolutely right.
Anton Gogolev
+10  A: 

Define a Range type, then create a set of ranges and an extension method to see whether a value lies in any of the ranges. Then instead of hard-coding the values as you are, you can create a collection of ranges and perhaps some individual ranges, giving them useful names to explain why you're intested in them:

static readonly Range InvalidUser = new Range(100, 200);
static readonly Range MilkTooHot = new Range (300, 400);

static readonly IEnumerable<Range> Errors =
    new List<Range> { InvalidUser, MilkTooHot };


// Normal LINQ (where Range defines a Contains method)
if (Errors.Any(range => range.Contains(statusCode))
// or (extension method on int)
if (statusCode.InAny(Errors))
// or (extension methods on IEnumerable<Range>)
if (Errors.Any(statusCode))

You may be interested in the generic Range type which is part of MiscUtil. It allows for iteration in a simple way as well:

foreach (DateTime date in 19.June(1976).To(25.December(2005)).Step(1.Days()))
    // etc

(Obviously that's also using some DateTime/TimeSpan-related extension methods, but you get the idea.)

Jon Skeet

Not that I am aware of, best option is to just put the code into a function so its more clear what it is doing. Perhaps using Constants for the values aswell would be better for readability purposes


if you need to iterate over the value pairs at some point, I suggest you capture the maximum lower value and the minimum upper value as you do into variables and do:

if ( x>max_lower && x <min_upper)
    // More awesome code

what if that is not impossible?
@ArsenMkrt, said _what if that is not impossible?_, not impossible= possible? I'm not sure what you are asking

Try something like:

struct Range
   public readonly int LowerBound;
   public readonly int UpperBound; 

   public Range( int lower, int upper )
   { LowerBound = lower; UpperBound = upper; }

   public bool IsBetween( int value )
   { return value >= LowerBound && value <= UpperBound; }

public void YourMethod( int someValue )
   List<Range> ranges = {new Range(4199,6800),new Range(6999,8200),
                         new Range(9999,10100),new Range(10999,11100),
                         new Range(11999,12100)};

   if( ranges.Any( x => x.IsBetween( someValue ) )
      // your awesome code...
class Range { 

    public Range(int x, int y) {
        X = x;
        Y = y;

    public int X { get; set; }
    public int Y { get; set; }

var ranges = new List<Range>();
ranges.Add(new Range(4199,6800));
ranges.Add(new Range(6999,8200));
ranges.Add(new Range(9999,10100));
ranges.Add(new Range(10999,11100));
ranges.Add(new Range(11999,12100));

bool inRange = ranges.Count(r => x >= r.X && x <= r.Y) > 0;
//or -- Based on Jons recommendation
bool inRange = ranges.Any(r => x >= r.X && x <= r.Y);
It's generally better to use Any() than Count(...) > 0 as then it can stop as soon as it's found a match.
Jon Skeet
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add that to the post.
+1  A: 

I personally prefer the extension method suggested by @Anton - but if you can't do that, and are going to stick with your current code, I think you could make it more readable by reversing the first set of conditions on each line as follows...

int x = 500; // Could be any number
if ( ( 4199 < x && x < 6800 ) ||
     ( 6999 < x && x < 8200 ) ||
     ( 9999 < x && x < 10100 ) ||
     ( 10999 < x && x < 11100 ) ||
     ( 11999 < x && x < 12100 ) )
    // More awesome code
Scott Ivey

LINQ approach :

Add the reference:

using System.Linq;

        /// <summary>
        /// Test to see if value is in specified range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aStart">int</param>
        /// <param name="aEnd">int</param>
        /// <param name="aValueToTest">int</param>
        /// <returns>bool</returns>
        public static bool CheckValueInRange(int aStart, int aEnd, int aValueToTest)
            // check value in range...
            bool ValueInRange = Enumerable.Range(aStart, aEnd).Contains(aValueToTest);
            // return value...
            return ValueInRange;
Rob Cowell