I hava a jQuery UI datepicker which I intend to use with a textbox in ASP.NET MVC. The date-display in the textbox is localized via CultureInfo and of course should be recognized by jquery to select the correct date in the datepicker:
<%= Html.TextBox("Date", Model.Date.ToString("d", currentCultureInfo),
new { @class = "datepicker" })%>
What I am trying to do now is to initialize the datepicker with a dateformat like
string jsCode = @"$("".datepicker"").datepicker({
dateFormat: '" + currentCultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern + @"',
The Problem is that the format of the format string of DateTimeFormatInfo (see MSDN Link) is completely different to the format string in jQuery (jQuery formatDate).
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.datetimeformatinfo.aspx (sorry, very funny stackoverflow restriction to one hyperlink for newbies!???)
Sample (German date format like 16.07.2009):
.NET: 'dd.MM.yyyy' should be converted to 'dd.mm.yy' in jQuery/Javascript
Is there a method or a library that does the needed transformation between the two formats?