You can hide the popup when the mouse moves away by enabling the leave_notify and enter_notify events on the popup. Then use these to set and clear a time stamp. Then in a timer callback created with gobject.timeout_add() check to see if the mouse has been away from the popup menu for a certain amount of time. If it has then hide() the popup and clear the timer.
Here are the event and timer call backs I'm using:
. . .
self.mouse_in_tray_menu = None
gobject.timeout_add(500, self.check_hide_popup)
. . .
def on_tray_menu_enter_notify_event(self, widget, event, data = None):
self.mouse_in_tray_menu = None
def on_tray_menu_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event, data = None):
self.mouse_in_tray_menu = event.time + 1 # Timeout in 1 sec
def check_hide_popup(self, data = None):
if self.mouse_in_tray_menu and self.mouse_in_tray_menu < time.time():
self.mouse_in_tray_menu = None
return True # Keep the timer callback running
You don't have to keep the timer running all the time but it is easier and I am also using it for other things. The calls to enter_notify and leave_notify are somewhat erratic so the timer is necessary.
BTW, this is really only necessary in Windows because in Linux you can click elsewhere and the popup will close.