



Handling two dimensional arrays in Perl is giving me a headache. Anyway, the following is my question:

I have a loop which pushes an array, say @twoOneArray, into another array, say @twoDimArray, and then is reset before the next iteration of loop begins and then again is pushed into @twoDimArray with new set of values. When I print this @twoDimArray using either:

print Dumper \@twoDimArray;

it gives output


$VAR1 = [





or using loops

for (my $i=0; $i<4; $i++){
    for (my $j=0; $j<4; $j++){
         print "$twoDimArray[$i][$j] \n";

the data gets duplicated.


Row=0 BB AA AA

Row=1 BB AA AA

Row=2 BB AA AA

Row=3 BB AA AA

and so on....

I cant figure out why the both the output ways are going wrong. If I print @twoDimArray everytime (before moving to next iteration of loop, i.e. after using push function) @twoOneArray is inserted, then the values seem to be fine and not repeat themselves, but printing it in a single go seems to give the above error. Similar question has been asked here but I am not sure if it makes sense to me. Any suggestions?

Code to build 2D array:

for ($k = 1; $k <= $counter; $k++){
        @twoOneArray = (); #reset it when loop starts again
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $colsInArray; $j++){
        #do stuff to create @twoOneDim
        push @twoDimArray, \@twoOneArray;
        #if I print @twoDimArray if prints fine, with the exact values intact

print Dumper \@twoDimArray; #if I print it here it messes up
print "\n";

Check this previous question:

@Salty: I mentioned that link in my question and have said 'I am not sure if that makes to me'
Sorry about that. I clicked the link but then switched to another tab and confused myself. :P
+9  A: 

The output of Data::Dumper tells me that your problem is not printing the array. Data::Dumper doesn't never lies (or only rarely).

Please show us the code you used to build the array. I'm sure that error is in that code somewhere.


Now that you added the code that builds up the array, I see that you've fallen into an evil trap: You are adding the reference to @twoOneArray to your "outer" array. But the reference will always be the same each time through your loop. Change your code like this:

for ($k = 1; $k <= $counter; $k++){
        my @twoOneArray; # REALLY reset it when loop starts again
        for ($j = 0; $j <= $colsInArray; $j++){
            #do stuff to create @twoOneDim
        push @twoDimArray, \@twoOneArray;

.. and it should work.

@Manni: Code added.
@Manni: I could have never thought of that error. Thanks a ton for highlighting it. I had been de-bugging this forever now. You helped me a lot and made my day! Thanks again :)

If you want an array of arrays, you should be pushing array references, e.g.

my @a = qw(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8);
my @b = qw(a b c d e f g h);
my @aOfa;

push(@aOfa, \@a);
push(@aOfa, \@b);
The OP is pushing array references, look at the Data::Dumper output.
+4  A: 

You've done something like this:

@a = (1, 2, 3);
push @b, \@a;

@a = (2, 3, 4);
push @b, \@a;

# ...

The problem is that you're pushing on @b a reference to @a. All the references point to the same @a. Data::Dumper is telling you that with its $VAR->[0] thing.

You need to do something like:

$a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
push @b, $a;

$a = [ 2, 3, 4] ;
push @b, $a;

# ....

This way, the [ ... ] arrayref syntax will make a new referenced array each time.

I suggest a careful reading of perlreftut and perlref.

edit: I see you've posted your code, and yep, you're doing my example broken code. Change to using [ ... ] syntax and you'll be fine.

+4  A: 

Your question has been answered adequately by others. I would add that the output from Data::Dumper is useful in spotting such problems: the [1] element of your array is dumped as $VAR1->[0] -- in other words, it is a reference to the same underlying data values stored in the [0] element.