So I'm using jqGrid with my / Ling2Sql prototype site that I'm making and I've done the work to get jqGrids search functionality up and running. Its pretty sweet actually, but since you cant search by >, >=, < or <= with strings, I wanted to setup the search options per column.
I know I can set the overall search options for the table by doing:
jQuery("#search").searchGrid( {sopt:['cn','bw','eq','ne','lt','gt','ew']} );
But I want something on a per column basis, so the user maintains the ability to search >, >=, < and <= on int columns but not on string columns.
On a whim I tried this and it didn't work
colNames:['Id', 'form2', 'form3'],
{name:'ID', index:'FormID', width:20, sopt:['ne','lt']},
I'm going to guess I'd have to dive fairly deep into jqGrid to add this functionality, but I just wanted to see if it wasn't an option already built in.