Stackoverflow does it so well, submit a comment and it gets refreshed on the screen using jQuery. How is it done?
I was dissecting the code to learn.
Looks like it is happening here: in the html below, the link click event is bound by jQuery to load a textarea to a dynamic form. How is the submit button wired and how is the data sent to the server?
<div class="post-comments">
<div id="comments-1122543" class="display-none comments-container">
<div class="comments">
<form id="form-comments-1122543" class="post-comments"></form>
<a id="comments-link-1122543" class="comments-link" title="add a comment to this post">add comment</a>
and the javascript:
var j = function (s, v) {
var r = $("#form-comments-" + s);
if (r.length > 0) {
var u = '<table><tr><td><textarea name="comment" cols="68" rows="3" maxlength="' + q;
u += '" onblur="comments.updateTextCounter(this)" ';
u += 'onfocus="comments.updateTextCounter(this)" onkeyup="comments.updateTextCounter(this)"></textarea>';
u += '<input type="submit" value="Add Comment" /></td></tr><tr><td><span class="text-counter"></span>';
u += '<span class="form-error"></span></td></tr></table>';
rules: {
comment: {
required: true,
minlength: 15
errorElement: "span",
errorClass: "form-error",
errorPlacement: function (y, z) {
var A = z.parents("form").find("span.form-error");
submitHandler: function (y) {
g(s, $(y))
var t = $("#comments-" + s + " tr.comment:first td.comment-actions").width() || -1;
t += 9;
r.children("table").css("margin-left", t + "px")
} else {
var w = "no-posting-msg-" + s;
if ($("#" + w).length == 0) {
var x = $("#can-post-comments-msg-" + s).val();
v.append('<div id="' + w + '" style="color:maroon">' + x + "</span>")