I have a query written as
"A MySQL error has occurred.<br />Your Query: " . $query . "<br /> Error: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error());
echo "You have been entered into our Database!";
This outputs
A MySQL error has occurred.
Your Query: INSERT INTO users (uid, twname, privacy) VALUES (15400743, 'gdhdh', 'accepted')
Error: (0)
so it doesn't list any errors or anything. When I copy/paste that query into the SQL tab of PHPMyAdmin, it runs successfully, and the DB connection isn't throwing anything bad (I know it works because a query works well elsewhere):
function get_db_conn() {
$conn = mysql_connect($GLOBALS['db_ip'], $GLOBALS['db_user'], $GLOBALS['db_pass']);
mysql_select_db($GLOBALS['db_name'], $conn);
return $conn;
Any thoughts on what I could fix? I'd really appreciate it.