



The Problem: All tables in our database have CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ChangedDate, ChangedBy fields which I want to be set automatically when Saving / Updating an ActiveRecord entity.

My first try was to override the Save() and Update() methods. But these methods only get called when I do a direct Save() or Update() on the entity. They are not being called in a Master - Detail scenario where I call Save() only on the master.

Next try were the OnSave() and OnUpdate() methods, but here changes in the fields were not persisted in the database.

Finally I tried the BeforeSave() method. But this method is not called when updating.

The Question: How can set these CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ChangedDate, ChangedBy fields automatically during a Save() or Update()?


you could do like this

public class Post : ActiveRecordBase<Post>
     private int _id;
     private DateTime _created;

     public int Id
        get { return _id; }
        set { _id = value; }

     public DateTime Created
        get { return _created; }
        set { _created = value; }

     private void BeforeUpdate()
        // code that run before update
        Created = DateTime.Now;

    public override void Update()
The Problem with this approach is that the Update() method only gets called when the Post (in your example) is directly updated. But when I make changes to the Post and call Update on the Blog (which has many Posts) the update() method on Post is not called automatically.
Thomas Schreiner
+1  A: 

To modify data as you you want you have to override the BeforeSave method like this:

    protected override bool BeforeSave(IDictionary state)
        bool retval = base.BeforeSave(state);
        state["Password"] = Global.Encrypt("password");
        return retval;

And finally save your instance:

protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        qfh.User user = null;

        user = new qfh.User();

        user.UserName = txtUserName.Text;
        user.Name = txtName.Text;
        user.IsAdministrator = cboIsAdministrador.SelectedValue == "Yes";
        user.IsActive = cboIsActive.SelectedValue == "Yes";

    catch (Exception ex)
        ex = Utilities.GetInnerException(ex);
        JSLiteral.Text = Utilities.GetFormattedExceptionMessage(ex);

I usually use SaveCopy() to make use of the overriden method FindDirty(object id, IDictionary previousState, IDictionary currentState, NHibernate.Type.IType[] types) to get the previous values of the class.

Hope it helps.


I had a same problem and solved it this way:

I use OnUpdate() and OnSave(). As you mentioned this solution does not work with master detail scenarios. For this I set parent of each child explicitly. Note following codes:

[ActiveRecord(Lazy = true)]
public class Lookup : ActiveRecordBase<Lookup>
    [HasMany(typeof(LookupItem), Cascade = ManyRelationCascadeEnum.All)]
    public virtual IList Items { set; get; }

    //other properties...

[ActiveRecord(Lazy = true)]
public class LookupItem : ActiveRecordBase<LookupItem>
    public virtual Lookup ContainerLookup { set; get; }

    //other properties...

void SaveLookup()
    Lookup lookup = GetLookup();
    LookupItem lookupItem = new LookupItem()
        Title = LookupItemName,
        ContainerLookup = lookup

Use BeforeSave() for saving and OnFlushDirty() for updating.
