



Hello, I am new to QT and I am doing some learning.

I would like to trigger a slot that modify a GUI widget from a C++ thread(Currently a Qthread).

Unfortunatly I get a: ASSERTION failed at: Q_ASSERT(qApp && qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread());

here is some code:

(MAIN + Thread class)

   class mythread : public QThread
        mythread(mywindow* win){this->w = win;};
        mywindow* w;
        void run()
         w->ui.textEdit->append("Hello");  //<--ASSERT FAIL
         //I have also try to call a slots within mywindow which also fail.

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        QApplication* a = new QApplication(argc, argv);
        mywindow* w = new mywindow();

        mythread* thr = new mythread(w);

        return a->exec();


class mywindow : public QMainWindow

    mywindow (QWidget *parent = 0, Qt::WFlags flags = 0);
    ~mywindow ();
    Ui::mywindow ui;


public slots:
    void newLog(QString &log);

So I am curious on how to update the gui part by code in a different thread.

Thanks for helping


You need to use QMetaObject::invokeMethod. For example:

void MyThread::run() {
    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(label, SLOT(setText(const QString &)), Q_ARG(QString, "Hello"));

(The above code comes from here:

...and it's wrong :)
+3  A: 

In addition to stribika's answer, I often find it easier to use a signal/slot connection. You can specify that it should be a queued connection when you connect it, to avoid problems with the thread's signals being in the context of it's owning object.

class mythread : public QThread
    void appendText( QString );

    mythread(mywindow* win){this->w = win;};
    mywindow* w;
    void run()
        emit ( appendText( "Hello" ) );

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication* a = new QApplication(argc, argv);
    mywindow* w = new mywindow();

    mythread* thr = new mythread(w);
    (void)connect( thr, SIGNAL( appendText( QString ) ),
                   w->ui.textEdit, SLOT( append( QString ) ),
                   Qt::QueuedConnection ); // <-- This option is important!

    return a->exec();
Caleb Huitt - cjhuitt
The mythread class needs to contain the Q_OBJECT macro
+1  A: 

I don't think you are allowed to call directly things that results in paint events from any other threads than the main thread. That will result in a crash.

I think you can use the event loop to call things asynchronously so that the main gui thread picks up and then does the updating from the main thread, which is what cjhuitt suggests.

+1  A: 

stribika got it almost right:

QMetaObject::invokeMethod( textEdit, "append", Qt::QueuedConnection,
                           Q_ARG( QString, myString ) );

cjhuitt's right, though: You usually want to declare a signal on the thread and connect it to the append() slot, to get object lifetime management for free (well, for the price of a minor interface change). On a sidenote, the additional argument:

               Qt::QueuedConnection ); // <-- This option is important!

from cjhuitt's answer isn't necessary anymore (it was, in Qt <= 4.1), since connect() defaults to Qt::AutoConnection which now (Qt >= 4.2) does the right thing and switches between queued and direct connection mode based on the thread affinity of sender and receiver QObjects at emit time (instead of connect time).

I did not know that the connection was now at emit time... does this still work with thread objects, which "live" in the thread where it was created, not the thread that is spawned when QThread::run is called? (We just had a debate about this a couple of weeks ago at work, and decided that it was safer to specify the QueuedConnection option in those cases.)
Caleb Huitt - cjhuitt
I've used this to emit signals from Threads that aren't Qthreads at all. Works great for sending events _to_ Qt's main loop. Also, never had to specify QueuedConnection with Qt 4.3 and up.
Marcus Lindblom

What if our thread affinity says GUI, but we're not in the GUI thread, nor in a QThread?

What I mean is, a non-Qt (notification) thread calls a QObject's interface method, in which we emit an AutoConnected signal. The Thread affinity of the QObject is Main thread, but the procedure is actually called from another thread. What'll the Qt do here?

Ville Lehtisaari