Hey everyone
I am currently doing a research project, and I was given with about 400G of data. They are all pairs, and currently I am using mysql's load data into my db. I have looked into quite a lot of options into mysql's optimization for insertion, but it's taking far too long to complete (estimation is 118 days).
And then I looked into the best key,value store around: Tokyo Cabinet. I absolutely love it, it's fast it's light and it's simple. However, it doesn't allow identical keys to occur more than once. This DOES NOT fit my requirement.
( My data is something like <1, 2> <1, 3> <1, 4> <2, 9> ...etc )
Anyone here have something good to recommend? Preferably I want something that has an API for php (cause I will be using a web dev for my internal UI)
Something faster than mysql preferably (The only queries I will run is "SELECT c1 from table WHERE c2=X" or "SELECT c2 FROM table WHERE c1=X")
I have to insert all the data once in order to allow the selects to work. So insertion cannot take more than a week on my size of data.
(Distributed is ok, I have a cluster).