




Hey everyone

I am currently doing a research project, and I was given with about 400G of data. They are all pairs, and currently I am using mysql's load data into my db. I have looked into quite a lot of options into mysql's optimization for insertion, but it's taking far too long to complete (estimation is 118 days).

And then I looked into the best key,value store around: Tokyo Cabinet. I absolutely love it, it's fast it's light and it's simple. However, it doesn't allow identical keys to occur more than once. This DOES NOT fit my requirement.

( My data is something like <1, 2> <1, 3> <1, 4> <2, 9> ...etc )

Anyone here have something good to recommend? Preferably I want something that has an API for php (cause I will be using a web dev for my internal UI)

Something faster than mysql preferably (The only queries I will run is "SELECT c1 from table WHERE c2=X" or "SELECT c2 FROM table WHERE c1=X")

I have to insert all the data once in order to allow the selects to work. So insertion cannot take more than a week on my size of data.

(Distributed is ok, I have a cluster).

+1  A: 

Have you used LOAD DATA INFILE before? It's the fastest way to load data in MySQL. 118 days for 400GB sounds like you're iterating through doing a bunch of INSERT statements for every row...

I am using LOAD DATA IN FILE now
Ok I modified the sourcecode for mysql and recompiled my optimized version. Now it's still taking at least 18 days. Any good dbs to recommend?

Yeah 400 gigs of data is going to make MySQL beg for mercy. You should be using Oracle or Microsoft SQL.

Even then, once you get this data into a DB what do you plan to do with it? Each query is going to take several minutes.

Spencer Ruport
Well you see this is not commercial thing. Several minutes for a query is tolerable.