



What column setting do you use in the IDE for the vertical edge. I use 80 columns in line mode, but I wanted to know if this is common or is there a more common standard? I have seen other options like background mode, but found it too distracting.

Vertical Edge, for those who are unfamiliar, is a line or an area which marks off the section where the code can be written. Anything beyond may not format the best way in other code readers or makes code readability tougher. Please correct if my understanding is inaccurate.


Widescreen monitors and a preference for a smaller font so I get more vertical lines makes 80 a little lacking on the wide side.

I don't have a vertical column setting. Any coding lines (usually ifs) that may be too wide, I split at logical operators. For text lines, its a bit more nebulous where I actually split them but split them conservative.

Note: Your question appears to be the same as: and question 746853 (which I can't hyperlink to as I am a "new user")

thanks. i voted to close this question as it does seem to be very close to 903754. i dint find that under vertical edge setting