



I have a web site which has a simple web service. I can call the web service successfully from javascript on the page. I need to be able to call the same web service from a C# forms application. The web service code is very simple:

[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class IDCService : System.Web.Services.WebService {

    public IDCService () {

    public string HelloWorld() {
        return "Hello World";

My javascript works:

        function HelloWorld() {
            var yourName = $get('txtYourName').value;
            IDCService.HelloWorld(HelloWorldCalback, failureCB);

        function HelloWorldCalback(result) {

        function failureCB(result) {

However, when I try to set a reference to the WS in my C# code what I expect to see is an object with a method "HelloWorld", what I in fact see is an object with properties like "HelloWorldRequest", "HelloWorldResponse", "HelloWorldRequestBody" and so forth.

I am new to web services, and am very confused. Any help would be appreciated.

+2  A: 

Depends on how you added your reference :-)

If you added it by clicking "Add Web Reference", you specified the location of the service, and you gave it a namespace - let's assume it would be called "MySVC".

In that case, you should be able to do this in your Winforms program:

MySVC.MyTestService svc = new MySVC.MyTestService();
string message = svc.HelloWorld();

and thus retrieve the output of the HelloWorld method.

On the other hand, if you clicked on "Add Service Reference" (which is not the same - this will add a WCF client side proxy to your web service), then you'd get those request and response object classes. You should also get a xxxxClient class, and that's what you'll use:

MyWCFService.MyTestServiceSoapClient client = 
     new MyWCFService.MyTestServiceSoapClient();
string message = client.HelloWorld()

That way, you should be able to access all your methods on your web service, too.


That explains a lot, however, for some reason my windows form project doesn't have an option to add a web reference, just add reference and add service reference. Which is weird, because the web application in the same solution does have an add web reference. Any thoughts on why I can't add a web reference?
Great explanation, @Marc! +1
Jessica: if you use "Add Service Reference", click on the "Advanced" button, and on that screen, there should be an "Add Web Reference" button for you to use.
Thank you Marc, that fixed my problem. I really appreciate your help.
Accept my answer then? Thanks!