




I have to make some database request with php on a mySQL database

Question : What is the best (simpliest) framewok to get thing done right CRUD (create read update delete)

I also have to populdate the database, what is a good tool to do that. The only one i know is sqlmyadmin, wich does not look good. An online tool will be great

Your experience is valuable, tell me what do you use and why ?

I have take a look at CodeIgniter, look nice, what do you think... overkill ?


I'd say that totally depends on what you need to do.

You do know phpMyAdmin, right? You can import from a lot of formats with that tool.

Or do you want to develop an application with simple CRUD operations? Then a framework like Symfony or Zend Framework would be the right thing to be looking for.

+1  A: 

For lots of operations (especially CRUD, which work out of the box once you've written the schema files), the ORM Framework Doctrine is really great.

If you want to go farther than just DB access, you might take a look at the PHP FRamework symfony, which provides an admin generator (there is even a screencast about that one). (And has great documentation, such as the jobeet tutorial) (BTW, symfony uses Doctrine as ORM ^^ )

But maybe it's a bit overkill (and requires a too big learning curve) if you need something simple...

To load data to MySQL, what about LOAD DATA INFILE, which (quote from the docs) "reads rows from a text file into a table at a very high speed".


I'd second Pascal's comment re Symfony (I would uprate but not enough credit :-() - Symfony has a great admin generator, and once you get your head around the app->module->actions concept, it's straightforward and the documentation is fantastic, even if it is sometimes easier to search Google for it ;-)

Failing that, CakePHP is a lot better now than it used to be back in the early days, and you can get going with the minimum of fuss, particularly with their scaffolding which will help you set up a basic CRUD-style setup. Their documentation is also pretty awesome and very easy to read :-)
