+1  A: 

What I did is to execute the q.SetIsLoaded(true) before updating any column. That way the dirty column collection gets updated when modifying. I hope it works for you

Thanks Luis. This was a show-stopper for me so I moved on to using EF instead since I did not get an answer.

I WANT TO SAY THAT I AM VERY ANGRY ON THIS PROJECT AND SUBSONIC --->>> be sure i m not going to use it nor recommend it any more!!!! I just lobed the previous version. This new version is very problematic...!

With the new entity framework or linq to sql you don't need this project anymore! I am just dealing a project with them and i spent like 15 hours solving their issues. including this one.


I posted an answer to a different post but concerning the same problem.

the answer is there http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1402187/subsonic-3-save-then-update/2066717#2066717

Sylvain Cyr