



Hi All,

I am stuck trying to work out Events and Delegates. I am trying to hook up to an external API which return events when certain events occur. The original code was written in C#, and I am trying to do this in

Here is a short comment from the API programmers.

"After that, client app should need to wait for one of events: OnLoginComplete or OnLoginFailed In cause of succesfull login, all collections is already populated with session data (order states and fills, account positions), so application could display it on the GUI. If by some reason connection is dropped, OnDisconnected event would be fired immediately, notifying the client that requests couldn't be processed until connection is restored.

On a successfull logon system is ready to process client requests: subscriptions to price feeds and order requests. "

I am trying to get the OnLoginFailed event to fire but are having just too many issues not sure how to do this, spent many hours trying to work it out.

Here is a short note from the API Documentation.

OECClient.OnLoginFailed Event Raised when connection couldn't be establised, credentials are wrong or client API version is invalid.

public event OnLoginFailedEvent OnLoginFailed;

OnLoginFailedEvent Delegate Occurs when connection failed to be established

`public delegate void OnLoginFailedEvent(
   FailReason Reason


And here is my code in, I feel that I am close but just can't get it.

` Imports OEC.API Imports OEC.CommLib

Public Class OpenECry Public Shared OECClient1 As New OECClient()

Public Event OnLoginFailed()
Public Delegate Sub OEC_OnLoginFailedEvent(ByVal FailReason As OEC.Data.FailReason)

Private Sub btnConnect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnConnect.Click
    If txbUsername.Text = Nothing Or txbPassword.Text = Nothing Or txbServer.Text = Nothing Then
        'Connect to the server, if the details are wrong then show the error message in the label.
        MsgBox("One of your required fields are empty, Please try again.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Application Error")
        'Catch Exception
            OECClient1.Connect(txbServer.Text, txbPort.Text, txbUsername.Text, txbPassword.Text, False)

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

End Class ` I would really appreciate if someone who has more experience could help me out on this one. All I need is one example so I can do all the other events myself.




Try making your method public. You shouldn't need the delegates et. al., those are for the C# people who don't have the Handles parameter.

+1  A: 

You should be able to do something like.

Public Sub OnLoginFailure() Handles OECClient1.OnLoginFailedEvent
     'Do something upon failure here...
End Sub
And OECCLient1 should be declared WithEvents