


+3  Q: 

Flex/Bison IDE?

I'm looking for a good development environment in which to work on flex or bison or both.

Are there any IDE's that have these capabilities and/or are suitable for this?

(If not the next most general question is are there lexer/parser generators with IDE's?)

Thanks ~Alex

+2  A: 

ANTLR has several IDEs available, including one I wrote. By user count, ANTLRWorks is probably the most used. Mine has fewer overall features, but I use it extensively because it integrates so cleanly with my Visual Studio work. ANTLR's grammar syntax is clean and very powerful, generates code for many languages, and its generated lexers/parsers are clean, debuggable code.

I'm a big fan of flex/bison, but I must say that the visualization in ANTLRWorks is a HUUUGE attraction.
+2  A: 

Vim has excellent syntax highlighting support for flex / lex and bison / yacc files. Vim seems to guess from file extensions, so as long as my flex files end in .l or .lex and my bison files end in .y, it seems to work fine. I know, it's barely an IDE, but I find the syntax highlighting to be the most helpful feature for me.
