



Ideally I would like to put all the code to access and fetch the data from the database in a separate utility files and all those methods at data binding times from the .net code behind file. The problem comes is when should the connection object be closed. For simple stuff, the helper method can close the connection but for things like DataGrid or GridView you can't close connection until you have bound the data to the how can I do that in the best design if I have class call DatabaseHelper and it has a method like public static DataSet fetchEmployeesData.... this method cant close the connection

  1. My other question is how do use the transactions and do atomic for example, if i have 3 or 4 methods in my db helper class say InsertX, InsertY, UpdateZ etc and i have to call all these operations in a transaction, how do i write such a code with a good design.. (in this example, I would be calling these methods from the aspx code behind file on some event say form submit)
+1  A: 

If all you need to do is display the data, you can indeed close the connection before databinding. The GridView only requires you to provide an object that can be enumerated (that is, an object that implements IEnumerable), so you are welcome to close the connection after calling DataAdapter.Fill - the DataSet does not need to be connected when to binding.

So, once you've called Fill - probably inside fetchEmployeesData - you can close the connection. If the fetchEmployeesData method requires callers to provide a connection, you can close it after the call to that method:

DataSet employeesDataSet = null;
using (IDbConnection connection = DatabaseHelper.CreateConnection()) {
  employeesDataSet = DatabaseHelper.fetchEmployeesData(connection);

// The connection is closed now (since 'using' guarantees Dispose() is called)
EmployeeDataGridView.DataSource = employeesDataSet;
Jeff Sternal
what about if i use DataReader instead of DataSet to bind the grid..then i cant close connection until i have bound the grid..
That's right, though there are a lot of good reasons to get your data out of the DataReader and into an intermediary data structure (a DataSet, a List, etc.) right away - primarily because you do want to close that connection as soon as possible.
Jeff Sternal
+3  A: 

Advice: Don't reinvent the wheel.

{Pulls Fully Baked Wheel from the oven}

Here you go: Data Access Application Block Streamlines Your Data-Access Layer

BTW: This App block handles the transactions issue pretty gracefully too. I have used it for numerous apps with very few modifications (mostly improved error handling).
even in this case, the code that uses the data access library has to be in some Util class and will suffer from the same problem, for instance using DataReader for GridView and also for transactions, we hit the same issue
+2  A: 

My general advice is to put all data access into a separate class (often called a repository). If you want to make life easier on yourself, go grab an ORM to do the mapping for you. Linq To SQL is good (and not dead) if you are accessing SQL Server. Entity Framework, SubSonic, NHibernate, LLBLGen all work well. (Note: NHibernate is my favorite, but if you don't have someone close by that you can ask questions to, go with another ORM).

The ORM will then handle the connections for you, and will make CRUD access much easier for you.

Once done, you can then map to your data access classes. You can bind directly to a List in the DataGrid.

Chris Brandsma
Word up on NHibernate. While Linq-to-Sql is pretty darn cool, it shouldn't be treated as a full-featured ORM, since it requires a breadth of knowledge and understanding to work with it (it's generally not as intuitive as other solutions) +1 on this comment b/c I agree with Chris 100%--ORM all the way.


My approach is similar to Chris'. What I might add is that inside of the DAL, you should open and close your connection as soon as you're done with your data operation. This increases scalability and still performs well with connection pooling.

When combining multiple operations into a single transaction, I'll use TransactionScope, which is in the System.Transactions namespace. You'll need to add a reference to the System.Transactions.dll too. Here's some pseudo code on how this might work:

using (var txScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))


Remember to call Complete (often as the last statement) on your transaction scope. Otherwise, the transaction will automatically roll back (a common gottcha when first using TransactionScope).


this is ok except i dont want the caller (i..e the code behind aspx file) to do any database related work as using TransactionScope code as well..this way it will be good separattion between the pages and database layer

You are supposed to open the connection as late as possible and close it as soon as possible. So I usually have a method that returns a DataTable and looks like:

  public DataTable GetUsersRightsForProject(int ProjectId)
            SqlCommand cmd = GetNewCmd("dbo.GetUsersRightsForProject");
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProjectId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ProjectId;
            return GetTable(cmd);

The GetTable is a method in my base class that I use for all of my projects.

protected DataTable GetTable(SqlCommand objCmd)
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();

                da.SelectCommand = objCmd;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                da = null;


            return dt;


Notice that I am openning the connection as late as possible - the da.Fill(dt) actually opens and closes it. I then double check that it is closed in the "finally" section. My base class takes care of getting the connection string, logging any exceptions and I have wrappers similar to this one for GetDataSet, ExecuteScalar, etc.

So I could bind to a GridView like this:

GridView1.DataSource = cApp.DB.GetUsersRightsForProject(ProjectId);

(Usually you have a business object in the middle of that.)

My pattern is usually the following:

  1. create a new table.
  2. create the stored procs to get data and save data.
  3. create the data access layer methods that call the stored procs (like the first method above).

Some of this coding can be tedious especially if your table has a lot of columns. So I wrote 2 stored procs to help in this. One generates a "save" stored proc code based on a table. The second one generates the data access method code based on a stored proc.

They can be found here
