For anyone that's interested, I hacked together a quick PHP parser that will take the XML output of the above feed and turn it into a nice list. It's sensible if you post a lot of tweets to use the rpp parameter, so that your feed doesn't get clipped at 15. The maximum limit is 100. So by sticking this url into NetNewsWire (or equivalent feed reader):
and exporting the xml to a hard file, you can use this script:
$date = "";
$in = 'links.xml'; //tweets
file_exists($in) ? $xml = simplexml_load_file($in) : die ('Failed to open xml data.');
foreach($xml->entry as $item)
$newdate = date("dS F", strtotime($item->published));
if ($date == "")
echo "<h2>$newdate</h2>\n<ul>\n";
elseif ($newdate != $date)
echo "</ul>\n<h2>$newdate</h2>\n<ul>\n";
echo "<li>\n<p>" . $item->content ." <a href=\"" . $item->link['href'] . "\">*</a></p>\n</li>\n";
$date = $newdate;
echo "</ul>\n";