I received a BSCS two years ago and find myself bored in just doing development. I'm a good programmer from my what peers and managers tell me but I've always found graphic design interesting and know that I would succeed at that as well. I hear so many programmers say I have no design skill and I'm thinking, you know I have some design skill what can I become if I develop it.
When I think of the ideal job that combine both, I'm thinking of someone that does both web development and design. I'm thinking that if I was to develop my design skills, I could start my own business, which is something I'm interested in, that could be a one man web development/design shop. What type of other opportunities could this lead me to?
Also, I'm about 44 hours away from getting a graphic design degree and I'm wondering If I should pursue it or maybe just take the classes I need?
So, basically I know I'm not going to be happy just doing development all my life. I need a career that will allow me to do both design and development. What are the options out there?