



The QA manager where I work just informed me there is a bug in my desktop app due to the sign on prompt being "Operator Id" when it should be "Operator ID". Her argument being that "Id" refers to the ego portion of Freud's "psychic apparatus" and is not semantically correct.

Now being an anal engineer (AE) I of course had to go and lookup Id vs ID and from my cursory investigations (google) it seems ID is just as commonly used for Freud's ego as Id is.

So my reasoning would be that Id is a shortened version of "Identifier" and is more correct or at least more commonly used than ID which would typically indicate a two word abbreviation.

I could just change the UI but then I wouldn't be holding up my profession as an AE so I was wondering if there any best practices or references for this sort of thing that I could use to support my argument? Keeping in mind that this question relates to the user interface and not the source code where abbreviations and casing are a whole different branch of philosophy.

+21  A: 

According to Merriam-Webster, the abbreviation is "ID". If it were a correct abbreviation, it would have to be "Id." with the period.

This is absolutely the right answer. Even though the D doesn't stand for anything on its own, I think we should all realize by now that the whims of English are not bound by logic or consistency. For better or worse, "ID" is the actual, official, correct term.
John Y
I didn't even think to check the dictionary. Looks like ID is literally correct given that it's defined in more than one as the abbreviation for Identification. The dictionary editors obviously need to read Microsoft's guidleines re. two and 3 letter abbreviations. In the meantime I'll change my UI from Id to ID and accept defeat, damn QA.
Maybe, it stands for 'Identification (Digit|Data)'
You Americans! In real English, contractions don't have full stops. Compare Col. Smith and Sgt Smithers. Or the titles Mr, Mrs, and Ms. Because these are contractions, they don't have full stops, while titles such as Col., or abbreviations such as Mon., Tue., and Wed., do have full stops.
Following: ID is short for Identity (without full stops), just as TV is short for Television (or Transvestite), also without full stops. No full stops, because the letters are not standing for complete words. I'd use ID in text, Id in code.
+10  A: 

The 'D' doesn't stand for anything, so I've always considered it an abbreviation, not an acronym - and therefore I too use 'Id', not 'ID'.

I don't know about your qa's reasoning - words can have more than one meaning - this is not unusual in English :)

But it looks like the common usage is actually 'ID' (right or wrong :P), which is probably the format your users would expect.

So obvious.. and yet I've never even though about that before. +1
+1  A: 

as a short version of Identifier, I would use Id. Also ID it's freaky when you have functions like


Multiple capitals in domain terms are quite problematic with CamelCase, as they can produce ambiguities and therefore dishomogeneity in your interfaces and namings

Stefano Borini
Of course, you could just use "getUserIdByName" in the code and display the UI with "ID", to get the best of both worlds.
Matthew Iselin
Yes, but that's an ambiguity, although I mean... you can live with it =)
Stefano Borini
In C#, the convention is to use camelCase/PascalCase with acronyms in your code - eg. the class `SqlConnection`. On your UI, you would still refer to "SQL Server connection details" though.
+2  A: 

"ID" you are refering originally comes from the shortened form for "Identity Document". It is only more recently become ID for identity.

+2  A: 

The QA manager's line of reasoning is silly. Lots of English words have multiple meanings. "Lead", "lead", "lead" (metal, be at the front of, or a connector).

I would just try to be consistent with the capitalization used elsewhere in the app.


How would you say it if you were reading out loud? I'd pronounce the two letters. ID is correct, analogous with similar abbreviations such as TV. (No dots, please, as the letters don't stand for anything.)

When I'm dealing with abbreviations like this, I like to format them in small block capitals, but that's just a personal taste. Capitals, anyway.

(But I probably would continue to use Id in the code itself.)