How do I stop Visual Studio Express SP1 install detecting old version that doesn’t exist?
I haven't installed Visual Studio before on my computer. However when I try to install Visual Studio C# 2008 Express SP1 I get an error message:
"Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to install this software. These requirements must be met before you can install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition with SP1 - ENU"
Requirements and Software Prerequisites Visual Studios 2008 Service Pack 1 An earlier version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 has been detected on the system that must be updated to SP1 before installation can proceed. Please update all other versions of Visual Studio 2008 to SP1 by visiting Microsoft Update and then install Visual Studio 2008 Express SP1.
I'm not sure why I get this message since I have not installed VS2008 before. I've tried to run the VS2008 Patch Removal Tool but it says "Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack Preparation does not apply". I've applied all the patches from Microsoft Update but still get the same error. Any ideas what could be wrong?