




As the question states, what date format is "ds1248083197360" ? Is this a standard date format or a custom one to an application?

ds1248083197360 is 20/07/2009 (or in US format, 07/20/2009)

+4  A: 

this might be miliseconds after 1.january year 1970 GMT 00:00. In this case, your example is 20.07.2009 10:46:37,360

Good 1st guess :) http://www.epochconverter.com/ confirmed it
Chris S
I get "Mon Jul 20 2009 11:46:37 GMT+0200 (Romance Daylight Time)" from Epoch Converter, so that would make it 9:46 GMT (aka UTC) and not 10:46. Still the same date, though. :)
Jan Aagaard
+3  A: 

It is probably the Unix time format, specified i milliseconds, meaning that it's the number of milliseconds since January 1st 1970. Wikipedia's entry on Unix time.

1248083197.360 is Monday the 20th of July 2009 09:46:37.360 GMT.

Jan Aagaard