I think you have for each version of your software a bunch of database updates. Why don't you write these updates as a T-SQL instruction, to be tested-executed when the new version of your software is first launched? Just open the connexion to your database from your software and send the DDL instructions as you would send any SELECT or UPDATE instruction. I would also do something similar to what proposes Jack Paulsen: maintain a list of these T-SQL instructions with a double identification system: one linked to the database/software version it applies to (can be uniqueIdentifier), another one (number) to keep the instructions in a serial order (see my example: instruction 2 cannot be executed before instruction 1)
//instruction 1, batch instructions for version#2.162
USE myDatabase
ADD myColumn uniqueIdentifier Null
//instruction 2, batch instructions for version#2.162
USE myDatabase
ADD CONSTRAINT myTable_myColumn FOREIGN KEY (myColumn) ...
For a complete description of ALTER, DROP and CREATE instructions, see your T-SQL help. Just be carefull enough to (for example) delete Indexes and Constraints linked to a field before deleting that field.
You can of course add some extra UPDATE instructions to calculate values for added columns, etc.
You can even think of something more complicated, checking if previous upgrading steps (that led to database version #2.161) were correctly executed.
My advice: as you write these T-SQL instructions, keep also trace of their "counterparts", so that you can at any time (debugging time for example) downgrade your database structure to previous version.