



I've run across something that's bugging me just enough that I wanted to come here and seek out a sort of "best practice" type of advice from you guys (et gals)

I have a table in my model, let's call it prospect. Two separate external systems can provide an update for rows in this table, but only as a "status" of that record in those respective systems.

I need to store those statuses locally. Initial idea, of course, it just to make two nullable foreign keys. Something like this.

| Field           | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| prospect_id     | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| ext_status_1_id | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| ext_status_2_id | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

In this example there would be, of course, two tables that hold id/value pairs for statuses.

Here's the catch - ext_status_2_id will always be NULL unless ext_status_1_id is 1 (this is just how the business rules work).

Have I modeled this correctly? I just have this nagging voice in the back of my brain telling me that "not every row in prospect will need an ext_status_2_id so this might not be right".

If it matters, this is MySQL 5.0.45 and I'm using InnoDB

+3  A: 

Since there is an in-built dependency for Status2 on Status1, why not just have a single status field on the prospect table, and create Status2 as a property on the Status1 table? It is certainly normalized heavily in this fashion but having the data structure this way speaks about the dependency of Status2 on Status1.

Nissan Fan
What idiot would vote this down? I'm really curious. You have no idea what you're talking about if you voted this down.
Nissan Fan
Upvoted to balance the down--it makes sense to me....
Thank Roland. I apologize to whoever voted me down, but sometimes I get emotional :) A better way to phrase it would have been: Can whomever voted me down please explain why.
Nissan Fan
+1  A: 

This is probably fine. But since you'll always only use 1 of the 2, you could model it as :

ext_status_type (either 1 or 2) and ext_status for the actual id.

I would probably do the same as you did, because it might be easier to build indexes around this and both numbers appear to have a true different meaning.

If there will be more statuses (3,4,5,6) I would consider the first approach in my answer.

to clarify, I won't necessarily use "1 of the 2", but more that "the 2nd augments a specific value of the first"
Peter Bailey

What are the possible ext__status__1? Will ext__status__2 have a value only if status__1=1? What is status__1=2? I agree partially with Nissan Fan. Is there, however a direct dependency between status__1 and Status__2? Is there a Functional dependency of the form status__1 -> Status__2?
If there is no such dependence then keeping status__1 and Status__2 in a separate table does not solve your problem.
