



(Using Visual Studio 2005 / .NET 2.0)

I have a DataSet which is being prepopulated from another module using SQL. All the values in it are fine and will stay the same as they are.

But once I retrieve the DataSet (and assign it to a DataTable since it is a one-table set) I need to add an additional column onto the end of the DataTable and populate it based on values in each row.

As a simplified example, let's say for example:

Column 1's values need to be checked. If they are equal to "A", the new column should be set to "G". "B", likewise "H", and "C" likewise "I".

What I need to do is cycle through the table, checking the value of each row and populate the new column for that row accordingly.

I am having trouble finding the way to do this (most specifically, to set the value of the DataColumn identifying it by name or some other identifier - array would be ok) and could use some code snippets or guidance.

It seems fairly straightforward but I can't find the information about how to do it anywhere I've looked. Thanks in advance...

+1  A: 
DataColumn dc = dt.Columns.Add("columnName", typeof(whatever));
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) {
    dr[dc] = CalculateFromOtherColumns(dr);
John Saunders
But what does CalculateFromOtherColumns do?still it's good to know that you can go dr[dc] using a DataColumn object you just added to refer to that data.
You said you wanted to "populate it based on values in each row."
John Saunders

If the comparisson is simple you might want to use an expression column in your datatable (check the overloads of Columns.Add for more information and MSDN)

Otherwise you should first add a normal column through Columns.Add with the right datatype (from what you write a string or perhaps boolean, judging by the true/false kinda values you want in that column)

After that do a foreach on each of the rows:

foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
  if (row["columnA"] == "A")
    row["columnX"] = "G";
    row["columnX"] = "F";

And yeah you should do type checking and you can make this code a lot shorter (but I'm typing on an iPhone right now :))

Good information, thanks! the key piece of info was that you can refer to a specific column using a row object. I marked the other answer as "the" answer because it offered more info.
+1  A: 

You can do this by programmatically creating the column and then, using the name of your new column, populate it based on whatever conditions you require.

Here's a snippet that shows what I mean:


    foreach (DataRow row in yourDataTable.Rows) {
        string column1Value = row["Column1"].ToString();
        if (column1Value == "A") {
            row["MyNewColumn"] = "G";
        } else if (column1Value == "B") {
            row["MyNewColumn"] = "H";
        } else if (column1Value == "C") {
            row["MyNewColumn"] = "I";

Is this what you're looking for?


Jay Riggs
That's perfect. Thanks! I forgot you could refer to columns directly by name (as opposed to using the Find Controls feature in some way... guess you only need that when you're trying to extract a listbox or checkbox or some other value).
Note that, since we have the DataColumn in hand (since we just created it), it would be more efficient to use row[dataColumn.Ordinal] rather than the string name.
John Saunders