



I would like to edit data directly from result grid in ssms. eg: When I execute SELECT TOP 10 * FROM some_table, I want to edit data directly from result grid. I don't want to open some_table and edit from there. I know that result grid is read-only, but maybe someone written addin for it.

+1  A: 

You can't edit the data from within the result grid. You'd have to go via the "open table" route if you want to edit the data manually instead of using UPDATE/INSERT SQL statements. Is there a reason you specifically want to use the result grid instead?

You can specify a query when you go via open table to limit the results if that's your reason? There's a "Show SQL Pane" button in the top toolbar you need to select (square box with "SQL" written in it).


The "results" pane is not just results.

  • Results in text
  • Assorted time and IO statistics
  • Estimated and actual execution plans
  • Row counts, Error messages, PRINT output etc

This is why they are separate.

Feel free to write your own add-in :-) Or here


I have very large database (70+ GB) with so many tables. I'm using Red Gate's SQL refactor for intellisense and few other things. It's so boring to type in update sql statements every time I need to change single field. It also takes some time to find that table in the Object explorer.

Intellisense doesn't work when I use "Show SQL Pane".


SQL Server ISN'T Access!

When you run a query and get the results - thats exactly what you are doing, reading the data, not opening the table for editing. Can you imagine the necessary transactional control around allowing the results window to be edited? The locking would probably grind SQL to a halt - I hope no-one ever writes that kind of add-in!

Kev Riley