



Hi All

I want to create a custom configuration section to handle email notifications. The configuration needs to be in the following format:

    <sectionGroup name="notifications">
        <section name="notification" type="NotificationConfiguration" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />
    <notification name="..." enabled="..." delayInMinutes="...">
            <add email="..." />
            <add email="..." />
            <add email="..." />
    <notification name="..." enabled="..." delayInMinutes="...">
            <add email="..." />
            <add email="..." />
            <add email="..." />

I can get this to work fine using NotificationConfiguration config = (NotificationConfiguration) ConfigurationManager.GetSection("notifications\notification"), but this only caters for one <notification> element. How do I accomplish multiple elements to accommodate more than one notification?

The class that handles this is quite lengthy, so I won't paste it here, but it can be downloaded from here:


+1  A: 

You can use the ConfigurationElementCollection Class.

A reference of how to use it can be found on CodeProject.

EDIT: You can create a <NotificationsGroup /> outer element, and then put all your notification elements inside that group. This way, you'll be able to achieve what you want to achieve.


    <sectionGroup name="NotificationsGroup">
        <section name="NotificationsGroup" type="NotificationGroupConfiguration" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" />

    ... Multiple notifications go here, instead of one.

This means that NotificationsGroup will contain the element collection of Notifications.

Hi KirtanIt is my understanding that ConfigurationElementCollection class is used for a collection of elements, not sections. I use that class for the <recipients> tag, but the <notification> tag is defined as a configuration section at the top of the web.config file, so how do I accomplish a collection of sections, as opposed to a collection of elements within a section?
At the top of the web.config, I define my custom configuration as follows:<configSections> <sectionGroup name="notifications"> <section name="notification" type="NotificationConfiguration" allowLocation="true" allowDefinition="Everywhere" /> </sectionGroup></configSections>Do you mean a group of notifications, as in my <notifications> tag?
Thanks for your help Kirtran. The tool below eventually helped a lot too!