



I have recently read Software Creativity 2.0 by Robert L. Glass. It's a great book dealing with being creative in the development process.

  • Are discipline and formality at odds with flexibility and agility?
  • When are control-driven vs. experimentation-driven approaches most effective?
  • Can we "make creativity happen" in a software organization?
  • Which is more important, process or product?
  • How do theory and practice interact in the software field? Can practitioners and academe complement each other more effectively?
  • Is there a missing link between creativity and software design?
  • What is the balance of "intellectual" and "clerical" tasks in software work?
  • Can we still find a place for plain old fun?

Can you recommend any other good books dealing with the same issues?

+3  A: 

Creativity in writing software is just like any other pursuit.

Try this:

+4  A: 

I believe that Steve McConnell recommends Conceptual Blockbusting in his excellent book Code Complete. Not necessarily directly related to creating software but a good general treatment of ways to free up a person's creativity.

Onorio Catenacci
+1  A: 

The Little Schemer is perfect for this.

+1  A: 

Not a book recommendation, but here's the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the question. An excellent example of programming creativity: Single-Finger Text Input (with a demo video!)

That idea is certainly creative!
+2  A: 
Ryan Cox