




In the mobile world, MM7 is a multimedia message that uses XML/SOAP as its content and HTTP as its transport (wiki).

What I want

some kind of a message builder (a DSL engine is preferable) that builds the SOAP (XML) message itself, so that I can actually view the raw message without sending it.

What I found so far

...but does not satisfy my needs, since there's no method to get the concrete SOAP:

Pseudo Code of the needed library:

MM7Message msg = new MM7Message();  
Part part = new Part();
// ...
// ...
string result = msg.ToString();  
// or...  
var soap = msg.AsSoap();

Look at this link. I can learn to develop some class for sending MMS through Sybase API.

Nice. I'll check it out. At first glance it looks pretty good to my needs.
Ron Klein

Hi Ron, if your problem not resolved yet, then I can help you to build such library. This may take up to one month. Ready for contact.

Currently I'm using a hand made template with placeholders, which satisfy my needs. So it's not an issue (currently..). Thanks for your suggestion! I'll keep it in mind if I need to build such library. Cheers!
Ron Klein