




Using classic templates, publishing via FTP to a custom domain.

I want to add custom elements such as:

  • a tree view for archived posts (expanding using CSS/JavaScript)
  • a tag cloud
  • a slideshow of images

I can't tell you the answer but you may be wise to research your question here.

Onorio Catenacci
Thanks, but there was nothing relevant there.
+1  A: 

I used PHP to process a Blogger blog after it is published via FTP. Any server side language can do this (ASP, ASP.NET, Python, JSP, ...).

I wrote a PHP script (blogger_functions.php) to scan the directory that Blogger FTP's to and generate a snippet of HTML to represent the archive hierarchy ($snippet).

I added this PHP to the top of my Blogger template:


$site_rootpath = "../";

$site_rootpath = "../../";

$site_rootpath = "../../../";



And this to the sidebar part of the template:

echo $snippet;

Then I configured Apache to process the PHP tags in the blog's .html files by putting this in a .htaccess file in the root directory of the blog:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm

With this approach you can use the full power of PHP with a Blogger blog.


So, do I add this as it is, or do I have to change anything? Where, specifically, do I add the code?

Explain it to me like I'm an idiot. Thanks!