I have a div full of 60x60 images arranged in rows of 5. I want to show an enlarged version (at 300x300 max) of each thumbnail when you hover each image. I have a surrounding div that hides overflow, so if you hover over an image at one of the corners, the enlarged image will get cut off, so I need to flip the image to the other side. The code I have currently fails at addressing this clipping problem. Any ideas how to properly implement this, or are there any packaged solutions out there (preferably using jQuery)?
$('a.thumb img').live('mouseover', showThumbnail);
$('a.thumb img').live('mouseout', function() { $('#image-thumbnail').hide(); });
$('#images a.thumb').live('click', function() { return false; }); /* disable clicks */
function showThumbnail() {
var pos = { left: this.offsetLeft, top: this.offsetTop }
var css = { }
css['left'] = pos.left + 60 + 5;
if (css['left'] + 300 > this.offsetParent.offsetWidth)
css['right'] = pos.left - 5 + 'px';
delete css['left'];
} else {
css['left'] += 'px';
css['top'] = pos.top + 60 + 5;
if (css['top'] + 300 > this.offsetParent.offsetHeight+50)
css['bottom'] = pos.top - 5 + 'px';
delete css['top'];
} else {
css['top'] += 'px';
$('#image-thumbnail').html("<img style='max-width: 300px; max-height: 300px;' src='" + $(this).parent()[0].href + "' />").show();