



I have been using Postgres for almost a year now and I've been able to accomplish all the tasks at hand so far by googling what I need. I'm looking for a good Postgres resource so I can discover things that are possible aside from just querying and maybe to learn things beyond what I need (or I didn't know that I needed) or probably learn Postgres again from the beginning to see if I missed out small important details.

It would also be great if the book/resource discusses Postgres itself. I also prefer books over searching because books often contain distilled and well-organized content.

(I should have asked this when I was just starting with Postgres)

Side note: I'm surprised that this question hasn't been asked here yet.

+2  A: 

Well the first one that comes to my mind is the postgresql wiki. The site contains really good articles.

There is also a search engine to search stuffs in different postgresql sites.

Francis B.
+2  A: 

Some of the information from this question: What resources exist for Database performance-tuning? should be useful to you. I've pulled the relevant stuff out and pasted it below:

PostgreSQL (wiki)

Gavin Miller
+1  A: 

PostgreSQL has a very healthy extension comminuty. for instance many projects can be found on the PGFoundry site. Using these tools you may be able to find canned solutions to your problems, or at least open doors to a solution that you might not have been able to approach with vanilla PostgreSQL. Most projects fit in one of the categories of backend drivers, which provide additional data sources; query languages, which allow you to express server actions in the language of your choice (Gnu R seems especially relevant!); data types, which allow you to define rows in more specific formats, and query in domain relevant ways; and Administration or install tools, giving you a more convenient way to use PostgreSQL.

Of all extensions, I think PostGIS is probably the most important, because it provides the mechanism to manipulate spatial information accurately. Even if you don't have a use for that, it still provides data types and operators for working with shape information.

+1  A: 

While a bit of out of date at this point, the best book-length introduction is the PostgreSQL book from Korry Douglas. Beyond that, there's tons to be learned just by printing out interesting parts of the documentation and perusing them, I used to print a couple of chapters at a time and sit down to browse. Part of the reason there's not more books around is that it's so hard to compete with the detail provided by the bundled documentation.

Greg Smith