



In jQuery, I'd like to select all groups of radio buttons where there are no buttons checked.

Or, is there a way in which I can select all radio button groups and iterate through the groups?

I'm dynamically adding N radio button groups to a page and will not know, before hand, what the names of the radio button groups will be.

+3  A: 

To find all radio groups:

var radio_groups = {}
    radio_groups[] = true;

to find which radio group has checked radio boxes and which hasn't:

for(group in radio_groups){
    if_checked = !!$(":radio[name="+group+"]:checked").length
    alert(group+(if_checked?' has checked radios':' does not have checked radios'))
what does !! stand for and why?
Sven Larson
[Duble NOT, it converts boolean value two times in a row so `!!true = true`](