



I want to update a table with consecutive numbering starting with 1. The update has a where clause so only results that meet the clause will be renumbered. Can I accomplish this efficiently without using a temp table?


It is possible, but only via some very complicated queries - basically you need a subquery that counts the number of records selected so far, and uses that as the sequence ID. I wrote something similar at one point - it worked, but it was a lot of pain.

To be honest, you'd be better off with a temporary table with an autoincrement field.

Daniel Roseman
+6  A: 

This probably depends on your database, but here is a solution for MySQL 5 that involves using a variable:

SET @a:=0;
UPDATE table SET field=@a:=@a+1 WHERE whatever='whatever' ORDER BY field2,field3

You should probably edit your question and indicate which database you're using however.

Edit: I found a solution utilizing T-SQL for SQL Server. It's very similar to the MySQL method:

DECLARE @myVar int
SET @myVar = 0

  @myvar = myField = @myVar + 1
what about for MS SQL?
Thanks for the help. So that will increment myVar for every record the update finds.. great! What if my numbering field is of type varchar instead of int. Can I convert myVar to varchar as well? Thanks again to all!
Awesome...never knew you could do that. +1
Mark Brackett
I would think that you could use varchars without problems... you can definitely have string variables. Depending on how SQL Server handles math using strings instead of integers, you might be faced with a couple of conversions throughout your SET statement, but I'm betting it wouldn't be too difficult.
Man, that works like a charm. +1 for crazy awesomeness.
Pretty sweet, I was hoping there is a way to do that.

In oracle this works:

update myTable set rowColum = rownum
where something = something else

Jens Schauder

Join to a Numbers table? It involves an extra table, but it wouldn't be temporary -- you'd keep the numbers table around as a utility.



(the latter requires a free registration, but I find it to be a very good source of tips & techniques for MS SQL Server, and a lot is applicable to any SQL implementation).

+3  A: 

For Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008. ROW_NUMBER() function was added in 2005.

; with T as (select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by ColumnToOrderBy) as RN
        , ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber
    where ...)
update T
set ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber = RN

EDIT: For SQL Server 2000:

declare @RN int
set @RN = 0 

Update T
set ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNubmer = @RN
    , @RN = @RN + 1
where ...

NOTE: When I tested the increment of @RN appeared to happen prior to setting the the column to @RN, so the above gives numbers starting at 1.

EDIT: I just noticed that is appears you want to create multiple sequential numbers within the table. Depending on the requirements, you may be able to do this in a single pass with SQL Server 2005/2008, by adding partition by to the over clause:

; with T as (select ROW_NUMBER() 
        over (partition by Client, City order by ColumnToOrderBy) as RN
     , ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber)
update T
set ColumnToHoldConsecutiveNumber = RN
Shannon Severance