



Yes, this is rather subjective, but I am doing research on that matter and am curious to see if others have come to the same conclusions that I have. So, I ask, if you could only monitor 10 SQL Server 2005 counters, what would they be?

+2  A: 

Are these SQL Server specific counters or SQL Server Machine Counters? If they are machine wide counters then I recommend these:

  • SQLServer: Memory Manager: Memory Grants Outstanding
  • SQLServer: General Statistics:Logins/Sec, Logouts/Sec, User Connections
  • Memory: Available Bytes
  • Memory: Pages/Sec
  • Paging File: % Usage
  • PhysicalDisk: Avg. Disk Queue Length
  • Processor: % Processor Time
Jeff Widmer
Machine wide counters
Mark Callison
What about SQLServer:BufferManager/BufferCacheHitRatio? That one is important too - and it looks like you've only got 9 listed there :)
Scott Ivey

Try using PAL ( Performance Analysis of Logs. It makes the task of reviewing perform logs much easier.

ira lustman
Not quite what I was looking for. Thanks for the post though.
Mark Callison

SQL Server Page Life Expectancy (prefer over Buffer Cache Hit Ratio)

Memory Pages/sec

% Processor Time

SQL Server Memory Grants Pending (not Outstanding)

Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec/Read

Physical Disk Avg Disk Sec/Write (prefer over Queue Length, though both work OK)

SQL Server Agent Failed Jobs

SQL Server Lock Waits Avg Wait Time
