



I have a client who is embedding videos into his WordPress blog. The problem is they have a large CSS dropdown that sneaks behind the flash video. I understand that setting the video's wmode to opaque will fix this, but I obviously need this to apply to every video they upload and not have to go to the HTML to add this tag

Is there any way I can do this programatically?


Using jQuery, you could try this:

    $("object").append('<param name="wmode" value="opaque">');

Not entirely sure if that would work, but it's worth a shot. Good luck!

That did in fact add it to every element, but for some reason did not work. I think it is because it is appending it at the end. Thanks for the idea though!
+2  A: 

Since you seem to have abandoned this question I'll paste the answer here:

// makeObjectsOpaque() adds a <param> tag to each <object> tag
// analogous to <object ...><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></object>
// it seems unlikely that adding a <param> to an <object> dynamically after
// it has been rendered by the browser will actually apply the <param> value
// correctly; in other words, it *probably* WILL NOT WORK
function makeObjectsOpaque() {
    var elementToAppend = document.createElement('param');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('name', 'wmode');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('value', 'opaque');
    var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
    for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        elementToAppend = elementToAppend.cloneNode(true);

// makeObjectsOpaque2() adds a 'wmode' attribute to each <object> tag
// this should be analogous to <object ... wmode="opaque"> in HTML
function makeObjectsOpaque2() {
    var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
    for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        objects[i].setAttribute('wmode', 'opaque');
        // you can also try:
        // objects[i].wmode = 'opaque';

// makeObjectsOpaque3() replaces every <object> tag on the page with
// a cloned copy, adding a <param> tag before replacing it
// analogous to replacing <object ...>...</object>
// with <object ...>...<param name="wmode" value="opaque"></object>
// this *may* cause the browser to re-render the <object> and apply
// the newly added <param>, or it may not
function makeObjectsOpaque3() {
    var elementToAppend = document.createElement('param');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('name', 'wmode');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('value', 'opaque');
    var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
    for(var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        var newObject = objects[i].cloneNode(true);
        elementToAppend = elementToAppend.cloneNode(true);
        objects[i].parentNode.replaceChild(newObject, objects[i]);

window.onload = makeObjectsOpaque3;

If there is already an onload event handler you'll have to do something like:

if(window.onload) {
    var onLoad = window.onload;
    window.onload = function() {
} else {
    window.onload = makeObjectsOpaque3;
Grant Wagner
how would I call it from the onload event? Just create a name for the function?
@patricksweeney: I've edited my answer to demonstrate how to attach it to `onload`.
Grant Wagner
Thanks, but it still isn't working. It has successfully added to each time the tag appears, but it still doesn't work. If I add it manually, it does work though. Confused :(
I've sort of figured out what's wrong. It needs to be in the <embed instead; so I need to add 'wmode="opaque" '. So now I have to figure out how to do that instead.
@patricksweeney: You mean you need add an attribute to the `<object>` tag? I've edited my answer to demonstrate that.
Grant Wagner
It still doesn't work. I think it's because we are putting it in the object tag and not as a <param>. If you want to see the source, its
@patricksweeney: `makeObjectsOpaque()` injects a `<param>` tag inside the `<object>` tag, analogous to `<object ...><param name="wmode" value="opaque"></object>`. `makeObjectsOpaque2()` adds a `wmode` attribute with an `opaque` value to the `<object>` tag, analogous to `<object ... wmode="opaque">`. The URL provided takes me to a Contact Us form with no JavaScript or `<object>` tags.
Grant Wagner
@patricksweeney: From the information I've gathered (, you want to add `<param name="wmode" value="opaque">` but adding the `<param>` tag *after* the page is loaded is unlikely to affect any existing rendered `<object>` tags (in other words, it won't work). Given that, I've added a third function that will replace any existing `<object>` tags on the page. This *might* work by re-rendering them and causing the `<param>` value to be effective. Then again, it might not.
Grant Wagner
Yea, still doesn't work. There HAS to be some way to do this. BTW, the URL is Thanks for all your hard work!

How about this. It sets it on the object and as a param (if the param already exists, it updates it; otherwise, it adds it).

var setWmode = function(wmode, object) {
    $(object || "object").each(function(i, node) {
     // Set wmode on the object
     node.setAttribute("wmode", wmode);

     // See if wmode already exists to avoid duplication param conflicts
     var currentWmode = $("param[name='wmode']", node);

     // If it already exists, make sure its the new wmode
     if ( currentWmode.length ) {
      currentWmode.attr("value", wmode);
     // Otherwise, add it
     else {
      $(node).append('<param name="wmode" value="' + wmode + '">');

$(document).ready(function() {
Justin Johnson
@Justin: My testing has shown that adding a `<param>` to an existing `<object>` tag which refers to the Adobe Flash Player does not actually accomplish anything. You have to clone the `<object>`, add the `<param>` node, then invoke `replaceChild()` on the parentNode to get it to render correctly.
Grant Wagner
+1  A: 

To avoid confusion with all the edits I've done to my previous answer, I'm creating a new answer with a fully tested and working sample page. It has been tested and is working in IE 6, 7 & 8, Opera 9.6 & 10, Safari 3 & 4, Google Chrome, but no version of Firefox I tested (2, 3 or 3.5):

<head><title>Opacity text</title></head>
<div style="color:Red;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" height="200" width="300">
    <param name="movie" value=" Demo--flv.flv&autoStart=false">
    <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffff00">
all you need to make this work is the script listed below.
everything else is just sample code to provide a demonstration
that the script shown below actually works
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeObjectsOpaque_TestedAndWorking() {
    var elementToAppend = document.createElement('param');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('name', 'wmode');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('value', 'opaque');
    var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
    for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        var newObject = objects[i].cloneNode(true);
        elementToAppend = elementToAppend.cloneNode(true);
        objects[i].parentNode.replaceChild(newObject, objects[i]);
window.onload = makeObjectsOpaque_TestedAndWorking;
Grant Wagner

makeObjectsOpaque_TestedAndWorking from Grant works fine - at first - but here is what I experience: It works when I first load the page, but if I refresh the page or go to a new page and press Back, my Flash object loads on top of all other layers again. It makes no sense, but do you know a workaround? Do you experience this also?


For the record, it needs to be changed in TWO places: see here.


I think the problem is that you need to create a wmode="opaque" attribute inside of the embed tag AS WELL AS add a param element with wmode set to "opaque." While Grant Wagner's code is effective at adding the wmode="opaque" as a param inside the object, it does not add it as an attribute in the embed tag. You need them both if you want this to work cross-browser, cross-platform. That might be why Grant Wagner is seeing it work, while patricksweeney is not.

Josh Fraser wrote a nice function that rewrites the embed tag to include the wmode attribute. soooooo I combined Grant Wagner's solution for adding the wmode param, and Josh Fraser's solution for adding a wmode attribute to the embed in one function, and it looks a little something like this:

 function fix_flash() {
    // loop through every embed tag on the site
    var embeds = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
    for(i=0; i<embeds.length; i++)  {
        embed = embeds[i];
        var new_embed;
        // everything but Firefox & Konqueror
        if(embed.outerHTML) {
            var html = embed.outerHTML;
            // replace an existing wmode parameter
                new_embed = html.replace(/wmode\s*=\s*('|")window('|")/i,"wmode='opaque'");
            // add a new wmode parameter
                new_embed = html.replace(/<embed\s/i,"<embed wmode='opaque' ");
            // replace the old embed object with the fixed version
        } else {
            // cloneNode is buggy in some versions of Safari & Opera, but works fine in FF
            new_embed = embed.cloneNode(true);
            if(!new_embed.getAttribute('wmode') || new_embed.getAttribute('wmode').toLowerCase()=='window')
    // loop through every object tag on the site
    var elementToAppend = document.createElement('param');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('name', 'wmode');
    elementToAppend.setAttribute('value', 'opaque');
    var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object');
    for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
        var newObject = objects[i].cloneNode(true);
        elementToAppend = elementToAppend.cloneNode(true);
        objects[i].parentNode.replaceChild(newObject, objects[i]);
window.onload = fix_flash;

It's a little bit of code, but it works very well, and it saved me from hours of pulling out my hair.
