I am writing a simple Python web application that consists of several pages of business data formatted for the iPhone. I'm comfortable programming Python, but I'm not very familiar with Python "idiom," especially regarding classes and objects. Python's object oriented design differs somewhat from other languages I've worked with. So, even though my application is working, I'm curious whether there is a better way to accomplish my goals.
Specifics: How does one typically implement the request-transform-render database workflow in Python? Currently, I am using pyodbc to fetch data, copying the results into attributes on an object, performing some calculations and merges using a list of these objects, then rendering the output from the list of objects. (Sample code below, SQL queries redacted.) Is this sane? Is there a better way? Are there any specific "gotchas" I've stumbled into in my relative ignorance of Python? I'm particularly concerned about how I've implemented the list of rows using the empty "Record" class.
class Record(object):
def calculate_pnl(records, node_prices):
for record in records:
# fill RT and DA prices from the hash retrieved above
if hasattr(record, 'sink') and record.sink:
record.da = node_prices[record.sink][0] - node_prices[record.id][0]
record.rt = node_prices[record.sink][1] - node_prices[record.id][1]
record.da = node_prices[record.id][0]
record.rt = node_prices[record.id][1]
# calculate dependent values: RT-DA and PNL
record.rtda = record.rt - record.da
record.pnl = record.rtda * record.mw
print sys.exc_info()
def map_rows(cursor, mappings, callback=None):
records = []
for row in cursor:
record = Record()
for field, attr in mappings.iteritems():
setattr(record, attr, getattr(row, field, None))
if not callback or callback(record):
return records
def get_positions(cursor):
# get the latest position time
cursor.execute("SELECT latest data time")
time = cursor.fetchone().time
hour = eelib.util.get_hour_ending(time)
# fetch the current positions
cursor.execute("SELECT stuff FROM atable", (hour))
# read the rows
nodes = {}
def record_callback(record):
if abs(record.mw) > 0:
if record.id: nodes[record.id] = None
return True
return False
records = util.map_rows(cursor, {
'id': 'id',
'name': 'name',
'mw': 'mw'
}, record_callback)
# query prices
for node_id in nodes:
# RT price
row = cursor.execute("SELECT price WHERE ? ? ?", (node_id, time, time)).fetchone()
rt5 = row.lmp if row else None
# DA price
row = cursor.execute("SELECT price WHERE ? ? ?", (node_id, hour, hour)).fetchone()
da = row.da_lmp if row else None
# update the hash value
nodes[node_id] = (da, rt5)
# calculate the position pricing
calculate_pnl(records, nodes)
# sort
records.sort(key=lambda r: r.name)
# return the records
return records