I am trying to write a "raw" HTTP client in C#. You may ask why??
My aim is to implement an HTTP client in J2ME (which can only do GET and limited POST), but first I need to understand the HTTP protocol better (hence the C# attempt).
My first attempts are failing:
var requestBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: CSharp
Host: www.google.com
var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
socket.Connect("www.google.com", 80);
var responseBytes = new byte[socket.ReceiveBufferSize];
The socket opens, but then blocks at the Receive call. After a couple of seconds the remote host closes the connection.
Any ideas?
The same happens when I try to connect using the RAW mode in puTTY.