Assume you are implementing the DELETE statement for a SQL engine. how will you delete two rows from a table that are exactly identical? You need something to distinguish one from the other!
You actually cannot delete entirely duplicate rows (ALL columns being equal) under the following constraints(as provided to you)
- No use of ROWID or ROWNUM
- No Temporary Table
- No procedural code
It can, however be done even if one of the conditions is relaxed. Here are solutions using at least one of the three conditions
Assume table is defined as below
Create Table t1 (
col1 vacrchar2(100),
col2 number(5),
col3 number(2)
Duplicate rows identification:
Select col1, col2, col3
from t1
group by col1, col2, col3
having count(*) >1
Duplicate rows can also be identified using this:
select c1,c2,c3, row_number() over (partition by (c1,c2,c3) order by c1,c2,c3) rn
from t1
NOTE: The row_number() analytic function cannot be used in a DELETE statement as suggested by JohnFx at least in Oracle 10g.
Delete from t1 where row_id >
( select min(t1_inner.row_id) from t1 t1_innner
where t1_inner.c1=t1.c1 and t1_inner.c2=t1.c2 and t1_inner.c3=t1.c3))
- Solution using temp table
create table t1_dups as (
//write query here to find the duplicate rows as liste above//
delete from t1
where t1.c1,t1.c2,t1.c3 in (select * from t1.dups)
insert into t1(
select c1,c2,c3 from t1_dups)
- Solution using procedural code
This will use an approach similar to the case where we use a temp table.