How could I improve this query? Please tell me all my options here as my social network DB is only getting bigger
This Query took 2.1231 sec
SELECT friend_friend.friendid, friend_reg_user.disp_name, friend_reg_user.pic_url,
FROM friend_friend
INNER JOIN friend_reg_user ON friend_friend.friendid = friend_reg_user.auto_id
WHERE userid =1
AND friend_friend.status =1
LIMIT 59535 , 15
# id # select_type # table # type # possible_keys # key # key_len # ref # rows # Extra #
# 1 # SIMPLE # friend_friend # ref # userid # userid # 5 # const # 59843 # Using where#
# 1 # SIMPLE # friend_reg_user # eq_ref # PRIMARY # PRIMARY # 4 # friend_friend.friendid # 1 # #
What are my options when this table is say a million, or even 2 million rows big? This table is used to determine who is a users friends