I have recently made the switch from HTML to XHTML... don't get me started on the "why" - let's just say it wasn't an option. Anyhoo...
This function worked fine in IE and FF when I was HTML, but now with XHTML I get the following error in FF:
heightElement is undefined
now here is the statement where I define heightElement
function revBars(isEFBOutput, isIXPPreview) {
if (!isIXPPreview) isIXPPreview = false;
var heightElement =
$('<div id="resizeDetectingElement" style="position:absolute; left:-9999999px height:1em;"> </div>')
heightElement.currentHeight = heightElement.offsetHeight; // FireBug says the error is here.
window.onresize = refresh;
function() {
if (heightElement.currentHeight != heightElement.offsetHeight) {
heightElement.currentHeight = heightElement.offsetHeight; refresh();
}, 500);
function insert() {
var px = "px";
var color = (document.styleSheets[0].href.match("ftidStyleDay")) ? "black" : "white";
$revMarks = $('.RevMark').removeClass('RevMark').addClass('UnMarked');
if (!$revMarks.length) $revMarks = $('.UnMarked');
$revMarks.each(function() {
$('<div class="RevBar" />').css({
'background-color': color,
'width': '2px', 'position': 'absolute',
'left': (isEFBOutput && !isIXPPreview ? '.25em' : '-.75em'),
'height': this.offsetHeight,
'top': offset(this) + px
function refresh() { $('.RevBar').remove(); insert(); }
function offset(obj) {
var top = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
top += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
if (document.all && (!isEFBOutput || (isEFBOutput && isIXPPreview))) top -= 15;
return top;
any ideas why this is throwing an error in XHTML in FF? It still works in IE.
EDIT: Again, this code worked perfectly in FF and IE until I switched to XHTML. Firefox still creates a DOM for XHTML, right?