I am having quite a hard time trying to find some answers with this particular dialog box action. The problem is when the user presses the "enter" (keyCode = 13) button, the dialog closes...as if the 'esc' key was pressed. I want to keep the dialog box open even when "enter" is pressed.
Fairly simple code, simple dialog box from jquery (1.2.6).
I have an ajax request populating the dialog box
var div = $("`<div>`testing`</div>`");
type :"GET",
dataType : "html",
cache : false,
async : false,
url : WorldWideInventory.baseURL+"/templates/invoice_invoicenumber_confirm.tpl.html",
error : function(){ alert("Failed to Connect to Server, Please try Again");},
success : function(response){
closeOnEscape: true,
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
title: "Confirm Invoice Number",
beforeClose: function(){return false;},
close: function(){return false;}
Thats it...this is driving crazy, anyone have any suggestions/answers to this problem? Good karma will be sent your way!!