




Below is my code, it is a script I need to run just 1 time to update a new mysql table I have added, I have 60,000 users and it ran and added 268 rows, it did not show any errors or anything, it just didnt add the rest and I have no idea why?

require_once "../config/functions.inc.php";

// get users
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM  friend_login';
$result = executequery($sql);   
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    // get states
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM  usstates order by rand() limit 1';
    $state = getSingleResult($sql);
    //convert to lat and long
    $geo = get_geo($state);
    $lat = $geo['Latitude'];
    $long = $geo['Longitude'];

    //insert lat/long into locations table
    $insert = "INSERT INTO friend_location (user_id, lat, `long`) VALUES ('$row[auto_id]', '$lat', '$long')";

    echo 'user updated with ' .$state. ' <BR> userID=' .$row[auto_id]. ' <BR><BR><BR>';
+3  A: 

try setting the maximum script execution time to 0 (infinite):

ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);

If you have display_errors or error_reporting turned off, then you may not see a fatal error generated by a timeout.

Tom Haigh
I just tried this, so far so good, its been running for about 5 minutes and has updates about 1k of 60k. This is gonna take a while, maybe I shouldn't have made it output to the browser, my browser will probably crash
That's verrrry slow but if this is just a one-off there's not any point optimizing your code
For the record though: ORDER BY RAND() is slow, doing a query every time around the loop is slow, and inserting individual rows instead of in batches is slow :)
yes it is! 30 minutes later now and it's only 1/6th done lol I never knew something like this would timeout so fast though, the timeout time must be much smaller on my home server then my production server
Or use the equivalent set_time_limit(0)

Umm mines set to 48
