




I'm starting with C#, and encountered something that puzzles me. I use the "bool" type for variables as I was used to in C++, and I try to put the values of functions or properties I expect to be boolean into my variable. However often I encounter cases where the result type is "bool?" and not "bool" and the implicit casting fails.

Instead of going to the books, I decided to post this on StackOverflow. Could anyone please explain what is the difference between the two and when each is used? Also, should I use "bool?" as the type for my variable? Is this the best practice?

Thank you

+35  A: 

The ? symbol after a type is only a shortcut to the Nullable type, bool? is equivalent to Nullable<bool>.

bool is a value type, this means that it cannot be null, so the Nullable type basically allows you to wrap value types, and being able to assign null to them.

bool? can contain three different values: true, false and null.

Also, there are no short-circuiting operators (&& ||) defined for bool?

Only the logical AND, inclusive OR, operators are defined and they behave like this:

x        y      x & y   x | y   
true    true true true
true    false false true
true    null null true
false   true false true
false   false false false
false   null false null
null    true null true
null    false false null
null    null null null

The Nullable type is basically a generic struct, that has the following public properties:

public struct Nullable<T> where T: struct
    public bool HasValue { get; }
    public T Value { get; }

The HasValue property indicates whether the current object has a value, and the Value property will get the current value of the object, or if HasValue is false, it will throw an InvalidOperationException.

Now you must be wondering something, Nullable is a struct, a value type that cannot be null, so why the following statement is valid?

int? a = null;

That example will compile into this:

.locals init (valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32> V_0)
IL_0000:  ldloca.s   V_0
IL_0002:  initobj    valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<int32>

A call to initobj, which initializes each field of the value type at a specified address to a null reference or a 0 of the appropriate primitive type.

That's it, what's happening here is the default struct initialization.

int? a = null;

Is equivalent to:

Nullable<int> a = new Nullable<int>();
Its a good answer but can I suggest that you make it clear that bool? is also a value type, its actually a structure which contains somethng like {T value; bool _hasValue}
Thanks Anthony, I extended my post a little bit.
+13  A: 

bool? is nullable while bool is not.

bool? first;
bool second;

In the above code, first will be null while second will be false.

One typical use is if you want to know whether there has been an assignment made to the variable. Since bool is a value type (just as int, long, double, DateTime and some other types), it will always be initialized to a default value (false in the case of a bool, 0 in the case of an int). This means that you can not easily know whether it's false because some code assigned false to it, or if it is false because it has not yet been assigned. In that case bool? comes in handy.

Fredrik Mörk
Note that those default values are only valid for instance/static variables, not local variables.
Jon Skeet
+5  A: 

Whenever you see the ? character following a type name, it's shorthand for Nullable<TypeName>. Nullable is a special type that allows value types to act like a null value. It's a way of explicitly expressing a value type can have a non-value value.

For bool it effectively turns the variable into a tri-state value

  • With Value: True
  • With Value: False
  • Without Value
+2  A: 

bool can contain only true and false values while bool? can also have a null value.

+3  A: 

bool? means the boolean is nullable and is syntactic sugar for a stucture Nullable<bool>. Because a boolean is a value type, you cannot set it to null, but there are some cases where you'd want to like in a data access class because database fields can have null values.

+3  A: 

Adding ? makes the type null-able. Which means you can do this:

bool? x = null;

And it would be totally OK.

Lucas McCoy